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  • Necklace and earrings by Coco de Salazar

WJA awards US$65500 to 49 women



Women’s Jewelry Association (WJA) reveals winners of its 2019 Excellence Awards scholarships and grants. The group has fundraised US$65,500 through its Awards for Excellence Gala, members’ donations and sponsorships for 49 women-winners to pay for their education and advance their professional careers.


Six scholarships each carries US$5,000 grants are offered to seven individuals from different backgrounds including owners of jewellery studio, students of Texas Institute of Jewelry Technology, Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and Pratt Institute and founder of a jewellery store. The Cindy Edelstein Jewelry Design Scholarship is brought home by Coco de Salazar, founder of de Salazar Jewelry, and a teacher of fabrication and soldering classes.


10 student scholarships are awarded in three categories: designer/ creator, designer and non-designer with different grant amounts start at US$1000 and top out at US$3000. Other 32 grant winners from different cities of the United States each received US$500.

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