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Silver jewellery continues to grow in 2019



A survey conducted on behalf of the Silver Institute’s Silver Promotion Service (SPS) by Instore Magazine indicated that silver jewellery sales in the United Stateswere robust in 2019 with 59 percent jewellery retailers reporting sales raise.


The average store growth last year for silver jewellery sales was 12 percent. It topped the best-maintained margins during the holiday season for 54 percent, followed by diamond jewellery, bridal jewellery, gold jewellery and platinum jewellery. 63 percent of the participated retailers revealed that customers aged 20-40 purchase silver jewellery.


SPS director Michael Barlerin commented on the finding: "We are also enthused that the optimism for silver's ongoing performance remains so strong and has continued for so many years." 91 percent respondents said they were optimistic about the growth of silver jewellery sales.

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