| Hong Kong Jewellery 香港珠寶
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39th World Diamond Congress to hold online



The 39th World Diamond Congress originally scheduled to take place in Hong Kong in November this year, will be taken place in virtual format on 14-15 September.


The biennial event includes a meeting between the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA). WFDB Acting President Yoram Dvash said, “Although we have all become used to conducting meetings and webinars online, this will be the first time that we will be holding an entire Congress in this format.” The congress will discuss critical issues affecting the diamond industry and gathering comments from members of the diamond trading worldwide.


Contains of public sessions featuring guest speakers, Yoram and IDMA president Ronnie Vanderlinden encourage people to attend the sessions, especially since the online format would enable convenient participation from delegates’ offices and homes.

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