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  • Average price index of pink, blue and yellow diamonds

Fancy-coloured Diamond Prices Show Slight Decline in Q2


The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) announced the Q2 2024 Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI) results on 30 July 2024.


In the second quarter of 2024, the fancy-coloured diamond market experienced fluctuations with an overall decline in average prices by 0.7 percent – a minor fluctuation when compared to broader market movements, said FCRF. This stability is particularly evident relative to the sharper declines in the white diamond market and the Dow Jones index, which fell by 3.6 percent and 1.7 percent respectively during the same period.


The quarter’s performance featured significant differences within color segments. The pink fancy intense 1-carat diamonds led the climbers with a 1.5-percent increase, followed by the pink fancy vivid 1-carat and 10-carat diamonds, with increases of 1.3 percent and 1.2 percent respectively. Conversely, the largest declines were noted in the yellow category, particularly the 10-carat fancy yellow diamonds, which experienced the sharpest drop of 3.5 percent, and the 5-carat fancy vivid yellow diamonds, down by 3.4 percent. These movements highlight the varied dynamics within the fancy-coloured diamond market, where some segments demonstrate growth potential despite broader market challenges.


This quarter, the yellow category demonstrated a nuanced market behaviour with an overall decrease of 1.7 percent. Despite this, standout performers such as the 3-carat fancy intense yellow diamonds showed an increase of 0.5 percent after experiencing a minor drop of 0.3 percent during the previous quarter. Conversely, broader segments like the fancy and intense categories saw declines of 1.5 percent and 1.3 percent, respectively, with the 10-carat fancy yellows experiencing the most significant drop at 3.5 percent. 


The overall pink diamond category experienced a slight decrease of 0.3 percent. The fancy vivid pink diamonds saw a quarterly increase of 0.3 percent, with the 1-carat segment improving by 1.3 percent, indicating consistent interest in higher-intensity grades. The fancy intense pink category also recorded increases, particularly in the 1-carat and 8-carat segments, up by 1.5 percent and 0.7 percent respectively.


In Q2 2024, the blue diamond category demonstrated market stability with a minor overall decrease of 0.3 percent in average prices. Notably, the fancy vivid blue diamonds in the 1.5-carat segment showed resilience, recording a modest increase of 0.6 percent, rebounding from previous declines. Additionally, the 3-carat fancy intense blue segment experienced a 0.4-percent increase, also rebounding from earlier downturns. However, significant declines were observed in larger carats, particularly the 3-carat fancy blue category, which saw a decrease of 1.9 percent, and the 8-carat fancy blue, which experienced a drop of 1.2 percent. (Photo courtesy: FCRF)




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